Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Wow...Charlie is the man!!! He has found most of the addresses that were returned...Thank you for working so hard. Hopefully this will get all of the info sheets out and they will be swiftly returned completed...as soon as they are all received...we can start working on the memory book that will be given to everyone who attends the 40th Reunion. Less than a year away...

Monday, July 21, 2008

7th grade

My oldest granddaughter is going into the 7th grade next month. 12 years old and really excited about going into "Jr High". This made me think alot about the Class of 69...and our 7th grade...we had great dances in the gym to the music of the Hurricanes. We had Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Garland, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Ootz(?), Ms. Garner etc.... We had lunch in the cafeteria in the basement, those marvelous peanut butter cookies, we had two student newspapers printed on a mimeograph machine. We jumped on a trampoline in our PE class...and many of us fell over the end...at least I did...where's a spotter when you need one. There were the Beatles, ironing our hair, sweaters with matching knee high socks, Tigress perfume, boys were ehhh....boys spewing endearing words to the girls. JFK was assassinated, and we all know what class we were in when we heard the news. The cheerleaders cheered in wool skirts for the Jr High teams, and a lot of us thought Dwayne Potts was cool. I remember Lee Rood School so well. I once looked up the history on Mr. Rood...it is a shame that the school is gone, and his name forgotten.

What memories do you have of 7th grade? I know I forgot some of the teachers, and I can't remember the name of the principal...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


People...People...People...where are you people??? Tana has not received any photos...except the ones I sent her...and I will send the others that I held back for blackmail purposes...unless she starts getting something from you all.

You must have a few cute photos of you and a friend or two...you can email them to Tana if you only have a few...or make a disc and mail it to her. It is an effort for you I know...but the results will be so much fun.

I don't want to think that the great Class of 69 is getting too old to have a good time...perish the thought!!!!!

Come on friends...do it for the Gipper!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today was a good day for info sheets...still have a long way to go. Do you remember when you were given an assignment and the teacher gave you a date to have it finished...well...get them filled out and sent back...or I'll tell Mrs.Chaffin...speaking of Mrs. Chaffin...we hope she will be able to attend the reunion...Coach Joe is still around too...and rumor is that the Roberts want to attend.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another 4th is history

What a great 4th of July...hot dogs and fireworks...I was trying to remember if we had fireworks in Caruthersville back in the day...I honestly can't remember. I remember sparklers and little curly snake things...but no big ones. Maybe someone out there remembers and it will get my brain functioning.

Please complete your information sheet and get it back...the typing has already begun.

I am sure that Tana is anxious for photos too...no holds barred...if you have one that is totally embarrassing...send it on...whoever it is of probably won't recognize you anyway...they may not even recognize themselves.

You may think that this is way too early to be thinking about a reunion...but there is a lot of work that goes into the planning...and it does take time. So sit down...write out the info sheet...and mail it back. Okay now start looking through your photos...surely you have a few that you could share with the group.

Hope everyone's summer is going well...keep safe.