Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
We are asking for all classmates to please send us your current name, address, phone, email address to our email address chsclassof69@charter.net We need to begin the organization and typing of this booklet.
This is not only good to keep up with friends, but it is necessary for you to be updated on things going on with our class.
Thank you for you help.
Wendell Stanfill
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rosemarie Petty Upchurch

Hey classmates...I was so excited yesterday to get an email from Rosemarie Petty Upchurch. She was using our chsclassof69@charter.net address and sent me this gorgeous picture of her and her oldest granddaughter. She has worked with State Farm Insurance for 30 years, and lives in Germantown, TN. I think she enjoys the grandkids pretty much. Rosemarie is trying to get some pictures together for the video, and I certainly hope she plans on coming to the reunion.
I am not the best one for my memory, but the best I remember I had a PE class with Rosemarie, and she was always keeping us laughing. She still has that smile, and I can't wait to see her again. Thanks for catching up with the class Rosemarie!
I hope others will send an updated photo to us, you too can be the star of our blog...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Pictures for video
If you don't see yourself in the video...it is probably because you didn't send any pictures. So get those pictures ready and send them to Tana. Contact us at chsclassof69@charter.net and we will make sure they make it. We only have a week or so...
Wendell Stanfill
You may recall last year that Wendell had a very serious illness that required surgery...well they are going to go back and do some repairs and "updates" . He will be in the Methodist Hospital, downtown...address will be added later along with his room number.
Everyone please keep Wendell in your prayers...
Planning meeting
Some of us are attending the Lorrie Morgan concert on Friday night the 17th. If you are interested in going please let us know and we will see about getting tickets together.
This will be a very important meeting. We will be finalizing the plans. If you are going to attend please let us know. Respond to chsclassof69@charter.net
Thank you and we hope to see a lot of classmates on the 18th.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I would really like to thank all of the teachers who "gave" me something to remember, I wish I could personally thank each one of them. The list would be a long one. I give credit to my teachers each time I type, sew, cook, knit, spell, speak, sing, and drive, (thanks Coach). I know now just how much I learned... think how much more I would have learned if I had really paid attention! My bad!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tom Wat
The one thing that I remember is that at the end of the fundraiser, we ordered the extra items that we sold, but filled some of the orders with what was in our cardboard suitcases. I always wondered if the customers knew that their item had been carried around in a box for a month, handled by other people, and given to them as a new item. If they did, I am quite sure they didn't mind one bit. Our parents and our friends didn't buy the items because they needed, or wanted them. They bought them because it was us selling them. Or it was one of our friends selling something. I am sure that every parent, and now grandparent, has a "had to by it" closet or drawer. And we will just keep adding that magnet, decal, or if you are lucky, cookie dough to our collection. Wish I still had one of those bags...they would be back in style.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Dwayne Potts
I know that some of you have some thoughts and memories of Dwayne. I sure do. I remember him as a really cool guy. A lot of the girls had a secret crush on him. I didn't know until our last planning meeting, that he played with Don, Steve, & Keith when they were the Hurricanes. Don said that he had a lot of talent.
I am sorry to say that I don't remember when he left Caruthersville. High school was a whole different world for a lot of us, but there are pictures of him in our yearbook. I hope he had a good life, and I hope that he had good memories of the time he lived in Caruthersville.
I invite you all to leave your thoughts about Dwayne.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Since we had our 35th reunion in 2004, I have come to the realization, that the people in our class are the very best friends a person could have. We spent 12 years with almost all of them. They know things about us that other friends will never know. They have laughed and cried with us. Now they are back...with Facebook, email, cell phones...there is no reason not to stay in contact with all of your old friends.
Since we graduated, we have lost 25 classmates. Don't let time pass by and not say what you have always thought about saying to that special friend from school.
You all should have received a letter about the upcoming reunion. Please answer with the personal information that is needed to make an address book for everyone to have. Please make your plans early to attend the reunion also...August 28th -30th.
Tentative plans:
August 28th - Informal gathering with classmates
August 29th - Social gathering for the ladies
August 29th - 40th Reunion - Caruthersville Community Center, catered BBQ, I-55 performing
August 30th - Special Church service for Class of '69...special music
Other special events will be added as we get closer to the date. If you have any ideas of something that would be fun, please let us know.
The planning is getting serious now...the next meeting is April 18th, at 10:00 at the Roundhouse. They actually took a picture of us last time to put on their Wall of Fame...we are so special!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Planning meeting
The group ordered a flower arrangement for Kathy Montgomery's service...red and white carnations, from the Class of 1969.
Several members also went to see I-55 perform. It was a good weekend, even with the snow.
The committee is working together to make sure the reunion will be outstanding!!