Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Missing some fun teachers

I was reading a few tales on the internet and was reminded of a few of our teachers...I am quite sure that Caruthersville is the only place in the world that could have had such fun and different teachers.

The first one that comes to mind is Mr. Redman Dunham. Can you imagine calling every student past and present and wishing them a "Happy Birthday". Do you think there would be a teacher today that would care that much about their students. And I loved Coach Arment...although I do remember having a chalkboard eraser thrown at me from his desk to mine in the back row. In 6th grade Ms. Hornyak taught the girls to knit during recess and lunch...we would sit on the front steps of Lee Rood Annex and she would help each one of us cast on (in my case several times) and knit square upon square...what a special feeling.

Do you have a special memory of a teacher? Please share...

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