Dear Classmates...I would like to introduce you to your CHS Class of 1969 40th reunion planning committee...left to right...Pat Slentz, Don Smith, Terrie Pickens Welch, Pam Blurton Brantley, Dorothy Ghyers Mann, Charlie Jones, Mary Jane Alexander Wagner, and not pictured but also working hard Wannie Curtis Johnson, and Tana Lonon Rogers. I introduce you to these people to let you know that they have been working hard for over a year to pull together the best reunion you will ever attend. We met Saturday and finalized some of the activities and the times for the reunion...let us give you a sneak preview.
Our theme is "Celebrate Me Home", a song made popular by Kenny Loggins. And that is just what we want to do...
Friday night between 5 & 7, anyone who wishes , can meet at The Roundhouse for supper, this is an option and we are all responsible for our own meals. The food is good, and the company will be outstanding. Then at 7:00 we will gather at the American Legion Hall for some socializing, Don will provide some background music, and we just may have some Karaoke going on.
Saturday morning at 10, the ladies, will be treated to a social at the Presbyterian fellowship hall, punch and cookies will be served. At 11, the men are invited to a hot dog cook out at Pat Slentz's home, where he will be the chef.
On Saturday night, we will begin gathering at 5:30 at the Caruthersville Community Center, we will have our class photo taken by Rob Roy, Anita's husband at 6:00. The cost of the group photo will be $20, which includes postage to mail the photo to you. After the photo we will have a short ceremony, and at 7:00 we will be served a BBQ meal prepared by Paul Carmean. You will also be treated to special desserts prepared by Mary Wagner, one of our own classmates.
At 9:00 we will open the doors to classmates from other years, and Interstate 55 will begin playing. There will be a charge for others to come in, and the money will be used to help with the expense of the band. We don't know when the night will end...but you will not only get to see your friends from 1969, but friends from other years as well.
Sunday morning, we have been invited to attend church services at the Presbyterian Church for their 10:30 service. There will be a spot reserved for our class and there will be special music also performed by classmates of ours.
We think that your weekend will be full, and your activities have been carefully planned so that everyone will have a memorable time.
The cost per couple will be $60, and $35 for single. No alcohol will be available at any of the events, but you are welcome to bring your own, with the exception of the ladies social and the Sunday morning service...needless to say!!
As at previous reunions, you will be given a booklet which will have the names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails of everyone. If you have not updated your information since 2004, please do so by emailing it to chsclassof69@charter.net . If you do not update, the information we have will be included in the booklet.
You will also go home with a very special remembrance, prepared especially for you as a member of the CHS Class of 1969.
There have been so many comments from people from other classes, that they never have reunions, no one wants to organize one, and they congratulate the Class of '69 for always making it possible for reunions to be held, and letting them attend. This is going to be one great reunion....please make your plans to be there.
Reservation forms will be mailed out in July, please get them back to us as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please let us know...
1 comment:
Charlie Jones, you never change. You still look just like you did in high school. I will always remember how nice you were and are. You are a good man.
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