Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hey are things hopping for our 40th reunion...some late comers showing up...good things happening.

A little surprise...the Caruthersville Tigers' first football game is August 28th, same night we will be getting together for supper, and at the American Legion. Some classmates will be attending the game and then hopefully coming later to the Legion hall...let's hope the CHS Tigers win big and help us celebrate our 40th.

Also we have some T-shirts that are being specially made for our class...the planning committee all have theirs, and will be wearing them on Friday night. We will also make these shirts available to anyone of the class who want them. They are red and white tie dye...with Class of 69
Caruthersville, MO...and our old faithful Tiger on the back of them. They will sell for $20...if you know for sure that you want one in a specific size please let us know and we will try to have your shirt at the reunion on Saturday us your size at

We will also be announcing a fund raising effort for our class. We thought it would be nice to get something special for the new school when it opens in we will start a drive to raise money for that purchase....details will be included in your reunion packet...

I hope everyone is as excited as I am...not much longer!!

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