Sunday, September 20, 2009

Homecoming Parade and Tiger Football!!

Hey Gang...WOW I hope you were there...!!! The CHS Class of 1969...won the Blast from the Past...most red and white in the Homecoming Parade...we were riding on the old firetruck and we actually had the mayor with us...and several future CHS football players! The class was represented by, Charlie Jones, our driver, Pat Slentz, Don Smith, and Terrie Pickens Welch. We were actually the second entry in the parade, and cheered, threw candy at people...and had a great time.

We then drove around the town in the firetruck...hanging on for dear about reliving your childhood, who doesn't want to ride on the back of a big old red firetruck.

We ate chili at the tailgate party, and then went into the stands, and cheered like crazy for the Tigers to beat the Hayti Indians. What a great game...back and forth...but the Mighty CHS Tigers pulled it off with a 31-18 win (my score may be off) but we did win big time!!!

We appreciate those who participated, and hope next year we can get a truck load.

Mary Dexter represented us in the Past Cheerleaders entry... they had a good showing of "older" cheerleaders...careful how we write that.

I will blog about some of my feelings at a later date...times have really changed...

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