Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another 4th is history

What a great 4th of dogs and fireworks...I was trying to remember if we had fireworks in Caruthersville back in the day...I honestly can't remember. I remember sparklers and little curly snake things...but no big ones. Maybe someone out there remembers and it will get my brain functioning.

Please complete your information sheet and get it back...the typing has already begun.

I am sure that Tana is anxious for photos holds barred...if you have one that is totally embarrassing...send it on...whoever it is of probably won't recognize you anyway...they may not even recognize themselves.

You may think that this is way too early to be thinking about a reunion...but there is a lot of work that goes into the planning...and it does take time. So sit down...write out the info sheet...and mail it back. Okay now start looking through your photos...surely you have a few that you could share with the group.

Hope everyone's summer is going well...keep safe.

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