Sunday, July 5, 2009

Top Ten Reasons I am not going to my Class Reunion

#10...I have to take my dog to the groomer that day.

#9....I went to one of them before.

#8....I won't know anyone.

#7....I see everyone I want to see.

#6....I didn't like any of them when I was in school.

#5....My time is too important to travel that far.

#4....They all will look so old.

#3....I will go to the next one

#2....My old flame might be there.

#1 Reason I am not going to my class reunion...I have gained too much weight.

Well friends, your dog can wait, attend another one...they keep getting better, everyone will have a nametag, been a long time, everyone changes, we all about the same, the next one is too far off, your old flame is married and doesn't look nearly as good as the one you are with!!! And I have put a lot of effort into gaining enough weight over the last 40 years... so that no one will feel just stick close to me!!! No excuses!!!

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