Sunday, September 20, 2009

Homecoming Parade and Tiger Football!!

Hey Gang...WOW I hope you were there...!!! The CHS Class of 1969...won the Blast from the Past...most red and white in the Homecoming Parade...we were riding on the old firetruck and we actually had the mayor with us...and several future CHS football players! The class was represented by, Charlie Jones, our driver, Pat Slentz, Don Smith, and Terrie Pickens Welch. We were actually the second entry in the parade, and cheered, threw candy at people...and had a great time.

We then drove around the town in the firetruck...hanging on for dear about reliving your childhood, who doesn't want to ride on the back of a big old red firetruck.

We ate chili at the tailgate party, and then went into the stands, and cheered like crazy for the Tigers to beat the Hayti Indians. What a great game...back and forth...but the Mighty CHS Tigers pulled it off with a 31-18 win (my score may be off) but we did win big time!!!

We appreciate those who participated, and hope next year we can get a truck load.

Mary Dexter represented us in the Past Cheerleaders entry... they had a good showing of "older" cheerleaders...careful how we write that.

I will blog about some of my feelings at a later date...times have really changed...

Monday, September 14, 2009


I hope everyone has recovered from reunion weekend...enough to start Homecoming weekend!!! Several of the Class of 1969 will be representing the class in the Homecoming Parade on Friday September 18th...if you want to join in the parade with us, meet at the fire station around 2:30...we will do a little decorating on the old firetruck...

Maybe we will also see you at the game...C'ville vs, can't wait!!!

Several classmates have made a donation to our school fund, and also requested the two additional videos...I will get them to you as soon as I can...hopefully the first of next week. Thanks for your donations, it gives us a good start toward having enough to purchase something nice for the school from our class. You can make a donation at any time...just send a check to Pam made out to Class of '69.

I have a request for the link to the video that Tana did for is below...if you didn't see it, you will definitely enjoy watching.

Please remember to let us know if you have a change in address, phone, or email...we always want to keep you updated.

Friday, September 4, 2009


We do still have a few t shirts left...they are $20...and will be great to wear at the Homecoming parade and game!!! Contact us if you are interested in a shirt!!

It's time to get together again

Since we haven't seen each other in so long...there is another special event for the Class of '69...Caruthersville High School will be celebrating their 2009 Homecoming on Friday September 18th...and guess who they are playing...Hayti Indians...I bet you all can remember those games. Bonfires, riding around whooping it up...going over to Hayti to harass our rivals!!! They say you can't go back, but we sure can!!!

That afternoon there will be a Homecoming Parade...some of us participated in the parade last year, riding the Fire Truck....and this year an even bigger treat...The Class of '69 will be riding in the antique fire truck...that is correct...Fire Chief Charlie Jones will be driving us in the old truck through the parade...we had a great time last year, we just needed more classmates.

Then we will tailgate at the school...there will be chili I know, and other goodies as well. Then the great rivalry of the Caruthersville Tigers, and the Hayti Indians!!!

This year they are spotlighting the past cheerleaders...I hope you will all put the date on your calendar, and join us for a good old time CHS/HHS football game!!! I know I am going to be there...let us know if you will be riding in the parade with us...we don't want to leave anyone behind. More info will be added as the date draws nearer. Get out your red and white, we be cruisin' down the boulevard!!!

CHS Class of 1969 40th Reunion

BEEN THERE...DONE THAT...GOT A T SHIRT!!!!! Oh my goodness...did anyone hear that the Class of '69 had a 40th reunion celebration this past weekend...well did we ever!! Rave very happy that everyone had a terrific time. We only had one complaint...from Harlin Crayne...he didn't want to go home!
Thursday night the planning committee made a trip to Reelfoot Lake, and ate catfish and country ham at Boyett' much good food and great friends.
Friday afternoon, a large group of '69 classmates met at the Roundhouse, and ate, and basically brought the place down!!! Then we opened up the American Legion, and had some great conversation, and some excellent Karaoke from at least one member.
Saturday morning, nine ladies met at the Presbyterian Church, and had the most wonderful time chatting, and eating dee-licious treats!!!
The guys met at Pat Slentz's house, and were treated to hot dogs, and other goodies that Tina prepared.
Then Saturday night was upon us...after Wannie and friends decorated for two days, the place looked amazing...all of our classmates starting filing through the door, and hugs were in abundance...we had a group picture made, and then watched a video made by Tana Lonon ... a memorial to the classmates we have lost...she has placed that video on YouTube. Paul Carmean catered the meal, and it was so so good!!! Then for dessert Mary Jane Alexander Wagner made the most marvelous desserts!!!! Every ate and chatted with old friends, and at the 9 o'clock hour...other people starting arriving at the door...begging to come in...and the nice people we are we took their money and invited them in. Interstate 55 began playing and the evening was jumping and a hopping!!!
And to end the weekend...several of the class attended church services at the Presbyterian Church...they were so gracious to us, and we saw lots of old friends there. Tana and Don both sang special music, and when I say special that is exactly what I mean...absolutely a blessing to everyone in attendance.

What's that? You say you missed it...hmmm, I have to agree with you...YOU missed it!!!
More pictures later...

Friday, August 21, 2009

1 week from today

Oh my goodness...1 week away!!!! Are you all listening? Two years of planning, and it all comes down to a weekend!! could say that, we want to make sure that everyone has the chance to enjoy this "happening".

Our class had 132 graduates...we are sorry to say that we have lost 20 graduates...and we have 32 graduates signed up to come to the reunion...hmmmm.
Where are you other 80 people? You have time...if you want to still come to the reunion, please email us now and let us know...we have to have a count in to Paul for the food, so the latest would be long does it take to send an can pay at the door...just be sure that you let us know if you want the class picture...that would be a total of $80.00. If you don't want the class will be $60.00, $35.00 for a single.

Also we need to know if the ladies are coming to the Ladies Tea Saturday morning, and the gentlemen are attending the hot dog roast at Pat Slentz. Come on know by now if you are coming....most of us have known for years that we are going to be there...

Let us know...Please!!!

Looking forward to a fantastic weekend with friends...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hey are things hopping for our 40th reunion...some late comers showing up...good things happening.

A little surprise...the Caruthersville Tigers' first football game is August 28th, same night we will be getting together for supper, and at the American Legion. Some classmates will be attending the game and then hopefully coming later to the Legion hall...let's hope the CHS Tigers win big and help us celebrate our 40th.

Also we have some T-shirts that are being specially made for our class...the planning committee all have theirs, and will be wearing them on Friday night. We will also make these shirts available to anyone of the class who want them. They are red and white tie dye...with Class of 69
Caruthersville, MO...and our old faithful Tiger on the back of them. They will sell for $20...if you know for sure that you want one in a specific size please let us know and we will try to have your shirt at the reunion on Saturday us your size at

We will also be announcing a fund raising effort for our class. We thought it would be nice to get something special for the new school when it opens in we will start a drive to raise money for that purchase....details will be included in your reunion packet...

I hope everyone is as excited as I am...not much longer!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The last planning committee meeting...

August 1, 2009...yep ... the last planning meeting before the reunion. The last couple of years, have been a blast. People always showed up...always had fun...and always were excited about planning a 40th reunion like no other. We have heard from so many other one throws a reunion like the "Class of "69". Why? Because we want our friends to reconnect and have the renewed friendships that we have. This isn't just a reunion....this is a "happening".

Honestly...there is no way to tell you all how many hours have been put into planning this reunion...a lot of effort.

The response has been good...not great...sure would like to have a lot more of our classmates decide to come. We will accept your reservations, late... this whole reunion was done for "you"...go ahead and send in your money...let us know what events you want to attend.

Friday - dutch treat supper at the Roundhouse...they already have us down!!
Friday - gathering at the American Legion...very informal...for those who want a step up on the reunion
Saturday morning - Ladies tea at the Presbyterian Social Hall
Saturday lunch - hot dog cookout at Pat Slentz
Saturday evening: meal...entertainment
Sunday morning - church service at Presbyterian Church with special music by Tana Lonon-Rogers, and Don Smith

This wasn't just thrown together were always on our mind!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Deadline drawing near

August 1st is the deadline for sending in your reservation form and money...if you will not be able to make the deadline...please let us know by sending an email to and tell us that you will be coming , and you will mail the money after August 1st...we need to make sure we have a count for the meal.

Thank you , and please put your form and money in the mail would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Landing on the Moon

40 years ago...a man walked on the moon. Well he actually kind of skipped or hopped...little hard to "walk" on the moon. We all heard Astronaut Buzz Aldrin say, ' that's one small step for "a" man, and a giant leap for mankind," The eagle had landed.

When I look up at night, and see a full moon...what an incredible feeling to know those men, climbed out of a space ship that was shot off from earth...placed an American flag on the moon, and then came back to earth, and have lived 40 years with that memory. For real...goosebumps. And the Caruthersville Class of 1969 graduated that year...pretty cool huh?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Party Party!!

Wow... I think we have had just about as many classmates from other years reply, as we have from the 1969 many so excited to get to come to our reunion. Most have written..."Class of '69 always has a great reunion!!" They are totally correct...our class always makes a reunion an experience!!

We have rented two sections of the Caruthersville Community Center for the Saturday night event...we have more than enough room for our class to enjoy visiting and a meal from 6-9, and for other classes to join us at 9:00 for music, dancing, conversation, and just old plain fun!!!

A reminder, the meal is only available to the Class of 1969 and their spouse/guest...there will be no cash bar available. Bring your own cooler with your beverage choice. At 9:00 other classes will be invited to come in for $15 a couple or $10 for a single ... to enjoy the music of Interstate 55. The money collected will be given to Interstate 55 to help with their expenses.

More excitement is building as the date draws closer... 40 years...WOW!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

If you ask them...they will come

It was mentioned that some of you might want to know some of the classmates that are coming to the reunion. So I thought I would name a few.

Denny Meredith is coming all the way from the Hague, Netherlands. I am sure that will be the longest distance. Denny has led a very interesting and honorable life. 23 years in the service of our country, and still working for the government. He will have all kinds of places and things to tell us about.

Lynn Shainberg is coming from North Carolina, Lynn has been a Flight Attendant, Real Estate Executive, wife and mother to two wonderful children. She is so excited about seeing old friends.

Charles McCoy will be there. One of the locals who always show up for the reunions. He runs his own business in Caruthersville, and will show us all a few dance moves.

Cynthia Hinchey Crayne, will be at all of the events. She has helped in the planning, and looks forward to seeing friends from the past. She is working on Virginia Banks Jean, hopefully she will decide to come.

Mary Dexter Tipton Stutzman, and her husband Ron will be with us. I know that Mary is a personal trainer, and has also done other important jobs since high school. She is always upbeat and looks forward to the reunions.

Anita Dunagan Roy, she will be bringing our photographer with her. Rob, her husband will be taking our group picture. She is also bringing a dish for the Ladies Tea. Anita just retired from over 30 years of teaching.

Wannie Curtis Johnson will be the lady in charge of the decorating. She has always come to the reunions, and always helped in anyway she can. She is a nurse and works for the Jimmy Dean/Sara Lee people in Dyersburg...sorry WJ

Wendell Stanfill will be at the reunion with his wife Cindy. Wendell has had a rough year with his health, but nothing could keep him from showing up at this reunion. He has been on the planning committee, and is anxious to start beating on some drums. He works as a surveyor in West Memphis, AR.

George Goodrum is coming from Jasper, GA...I know he has a truss company there, but don't know much about it...we will have to ask him.

Mary Jane Alexander Wagner will be not only coming but bringing her homemade desserts...she does catering, and makes the most marvelous desserts. We are so lucky that she is doing this for our class.

Don Smith has always helped with our reunions. Just about anything you ask out! He and his wife Monica recently returned from a family trip to Italy... lot to talk about there.

Charlie Jones, the Caruthersville Fire Chief. Charlie is always leading the way for our class. He organized a fire truck float for the Homecoming parade, and it was a great success. He keeps us up on everything going on in Caruthersville.

Pam Blurton Brantley is another hard worker. Just tell her what you need done and she says ok! She works in grain...don't know her official title, but I can tell you that she is good at it. She is married to Terry Brantley, and has two beautiful daughters.

Dorothy Ghyers Mann another one of the planners. She helps keep us straight with what is going on with our buildings and important things like that. She works for the state, and is married to Jerry Mann.

Billie Sue Davis Mulcahy, is living in Dexter, and she will be here as she has been for the other reunions. She and her husband have a pharmacy in Dexter. Billie was always so friendly in high school, and hasn't changed a bit.

Willie Baird...what can I say...he is bringing his wife Kris this year, he is coming in from Rogers, AR where they moved a couple of years ago to be close to some grandbabies. Willie always brings some fun to the ready to talk about golf or crude jokes!!

Tana Lonon-Rogers will be flying in from Florida...she has worked so hard on a surprise for everyone. It will be so good to see her, and thank her for all she has done.

Bubby Henson is coming...this will be Bubby's first reunion...I think he is excited and looking forward to seeing so many classmates.

Nathan McClendon, and his wife everyone in Caruthersville suffered through the tornado...but Nathan was up the next morning getting his lumber and ordering his windows...he is a quick one. Nathan works at the shipyard, but takes time out to help at the planning meetings.

Pat Slentz has jumped in too...he will be hosting the men's hot dog cookout on Saturday afternoon. Pat will always add to the good times!!

I plan on being there also, bringing my sweet husband who puts up with me for a few years before the reunion. And I can't wait.

Several others that I know plan on coming, are Steve & Kaye McKaskle, Jerry Woods, Debbie Broderick always makes it, as does Kay Kasper King. I know the reservation forms will start pouring in this week.

I also know that we have reservations for Mr & Mrs Darrell Roberts, and Mr & Mrs Sam Bishop. We may have a few family members of some of our deceased classmates also.

Also attending from other classes, Jerry Stanfill, Jon Hornyak, Susan Chaffin, Denise Meredith, Mike Hazel, Denny Baird, Wayne Smith, Paul Carmean...who knows who else...when the doors open to other classes at will be your wildest guess who might walk through those doors!!!

I hope you will make your decision this week, and get you info sheet and money back to us. It is going to be a great one!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Top Ten Reasons I am not going to my Class Reunion

#10...I have to take my dog to the groomer that day.

#9....I went to one of them before.

#8....I won't know anyone.

#7....I see everyone I want to see.

#6....I didn't like any of them when I was in school.

#5....My time is too important to travel that far.

#4....They all will look so old.

#3....I will go to the next one

#2....My old flame might be there.

#1 Reason I am not going to my class reunion...I have gained too much weight.

Well friends, your dog can wait, attend another one...they keep getting better, everyone will have a nametag, been a long time, everyone changes, we all about the same, the next one is too far off, your old flame is married and doesn't look nearly as good as the one you are with!!! And I have put a lot of effort into gaining enough weight over the last 40 years... so that no one will feel just stick close to me!!! No excuses!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th, 2009

I hope everyone will have a safe and Happy 4th of July. I find myself saying "can you believe" a lot this last year. But...can you believe that we are celebrating the 233rd birthday of America. I will always know the last two numbers because my son was born in 1976...and he is now 33, pretty simple.

We are having our 40th class reunion...1969-2009...we will have our 50th class reunion in 2019...think about it. I can tell you that when it was 1969...I never considered the fact that I would be living in the year 2000 something. That is unbelievable...

Starting this week, I will be doing short biographies on some of our classmates. Help you get to know them a little better before the reunion. I will try to do as many as I can...

Our next meeting is Tuesday night, July 7th at Little Pizza Heaven at 6:00...all are welcome.

Please try and send back your reservation forms as soon as possible, we have several items that we are going to need a head count for...thank you!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mike Fisher

I am so sorry that I have to pass on the news that Mike Fisher went to be with his heavenly Father this afternoon. He fought hard against cancer...please keep Carolyn and his family in your prayers.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Classmates...Mike Fisher is in need of continued prayers. Carolyn has written that the prayers are working, Mike is stabilizing, and being sent to Moffitt Research Center in Tampa, where he has been approved for a new research drug...they ask for your prayers that this drug will be Mike's miracle...thank you all.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mike Fisher

I am sure most all of you remember Mike Fisher, Class of '68...he is in need of prayers. Mike has cancer and has been taking treatment. Mike Abbott spoke with them tonight, and Mike is in the hospital in Florida, and having a difficult time. Please add Mike to your prayers...thank you.

Monday, June 15, 2009

We have replies...

Ok how exciting...two replies received today...these two classmates barely got their envelopes opened and had them sent right back in the mail. Thank you so much for your quick response.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


How much did we pay attention to what was going on around us in the world in 1969. We graduated in May...and then our summer was filled... riding the loop, hanging with our friends, and preparing for college or getting a job. We probably had little time for current events...

But...August 15, 16, & 17th...there was Woodstock...we all knew that Woodstock, NY was happening...little bits and pieces of info was made available to the three news channels. Can you imagine what we would have seen today on all of the 24 hour news channels. They would have shown everything...and probably it would have been closed down after the first few hours. It would have been raided and the drugs would have been confiscated, and the 3 days of peace and love would be over.

Did you know that there were only two deaths in all of the guy fell asleep under a tractor tire, and no one saw him and the tractor ran over him...there were also two births. I would like to know who they grew up to be.

Stores are now having special Woodstock items to celebrate the 40th Anniversary. Copies of the original posters, even paper plates and napkins. Special cd and DVD...does anyone under 50 know what it even was. John Sebastian...think anyone would remember him? If you get a chance, check out this is pretty cool! What we didn't know can see now.

Years ago, I am sure I cringed at what all went on there...but today...I wish I would have had the chance to have experienced those 3 days...the mud, the traffic jams...the music. History that will never happen in that magnitude other generation will be like ours...none of them will have our stories, our memories.

Janice, Jimi, Jerry...all gone, but we remember their music...always will!! Peace!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

40 years

40 years ago:

The last episode of Star Trek aired
The New York Mets won the World Series
Man stepped foot on the moon
Gas was 35 cents a gallon
Richard Nixon became president
The US institutes the draft lottery for drafting for the Vietnam war
Charles Manson followers kill Sharon Tate
Wal Mart incorporated
Rising inflation is a world wide problem
Woodstock attracts more than 400,000 in NY
First Concorde test flight
First ATM
Sesame Street makes its debut
Bell Bottom jeans and tie dyed shirts
250,000 people march on Washington to protest the Vietnam War
You could buy a transistor radio for $8.10

And oh yea...a class of kids from Caruthersville High School, graduated, went to college, found jobs, joined the military...thought about their futures...

You have all been invited!!!

I have mailed 99 invitations to people who graduated with us, went to school with us, and taught us. How exciting...pretty soon the forms will be pouring back in and we will see how many of our friends will make it to our 40th!!

I am still missing some addresses though and would love your help. Looking for addresses for the following people:

Linda Sue McGregor...Linda Nelson...Shirley Presberry...Brenda Sims...Yvonne Higgins...Jerlean Davis...Darrell Hathaway...Flossie Hill...Gloria Hoskins...Donald Jones...Larry Jones...Gregory Giraudo...William Houston...Dorothy Agnew...Terry Wyatt...James Russ...Ann Ford...Violet Rogers...Kay Cotham...Debbie Figgins...Pat Fisher...Beth Butler...Hattie Davis...Kathy Cox.

If you think that you might have their address, or know someone who would, please send an email to

When you receive your invitation...please fill it out as soon as possible and send it back. I hope everyone will attend...this has been a labor of love for a lot of people...the work has all been for you...our classmates. Please join us!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


We were so happy to see Wendell and his lovely wife Cindy at the planning meeting today. Wendell is doing really well after a long hospital stay, and Cindy nursed him back to health. Bless her heart!!!

Wendell will be beating on his drums come August 29th...he is ready to rock & roll!!! We are all glad that you are back WS!!

June planning meeting

I certainly hope that the CHS Class of '69 appreciates what your planning committee has to do for you. We have to meet at some place and eat...this morning was biscuits and gravy for me, next meeting is at Little Pizza Heaven, we will have to eat hot tasty pizza...then we have to hug everyone...that's a lot of hugging, then we laugh until we hurt...always something to laugh about. We stay together for 2 or 3 hours...there's a lot to plan...yea...we sure to do a lot for you all. It takes professionals to handle all of this, and we do it well!!!!

Everything is going so well...this is going to be one great reunion. The registration forms will be mailed out this week. Please try to get them back to us as soon as possible, August is a busy month, we need to get a count for the food for Paul...and we just want to know if you are coming to visit with us!!!

I don't know what else to say to you all to convince you that you don't want to miss this reunion. I will stoop to begging. I don't want to tell someone after it is over what fun we had...and hear, "well I should have come". Make your plans...40 years...nothing to sneeze at!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Old Yearbooks

Would anyone know how a person would go about getting old yearbooks from Caruthersville High School? A member of the Class of 68, has had hers stolen. She would like to have from 64 -68. If anyone knows how to find these, please let us know.

A reminder about this week's planning meeting, Saturday at 10...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Teachers coming

Mr. Sam Bishop sent in his acceptance to the invitation to our reunion. He will be attending with his wife. Two other teachers, Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Roberts will also be attending. Better have your homework done.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't really know those people

The title is really funny...I hear it alot. In my excitement about our upcoming reunion, I tell everyone. I am amazed at how many people tell me that they have never been to one of their reunions. The reason, " I don't know those people ". How can you not know "those" people. If you don't attend the reunion, you will never have a chance to get to know them.

I am thankful that I have attended everyone of our reunions. If I had not, I would have not seen Dewey at the 10th, I would have missed Kerry at the 20th, and I wouldn't have had the chance to talk to Debbie at the 35th. Don't miss your 40th! There will be someone there that you want to visit with. I guarantee it!!

Connie Norman

I think some of you will probably remember Connie, she was the sister of Jimmy Norman who was a graduate of the Class of 1967. I believe Connie was in the Class of 1965. I saw Paula Hardy Hill this morning and she told me that Connie had passed away. She had a form of MS.

I remember Connie because she was a friend of my sisters, she was always such a nice person. I also remember when Jimmy was killed in a tragic car accident. It was a shock to everyone. Please keep her family in your prayers.

The old neighborhood

I was watching old home movies last night. I became homesick for the old neighborhood. I lived at 311 East 18th St, in Caruthersville for 9 years. I have such great memories of the people that lived on my street.

Across the street lived a couple, the Spragues. Uncle Bub is what we called him. He was always coming over, when we first got our brand new Hula Hoop, he tried unsuccessfully to spin it around his waist. Their son was "Dusty" Sprague. He was several years older than me, but I always thought he was so nice looking. He would ride to school with my sister, wearing his cowboy shirt and hat.

On either side lived the Parkinsons, Parkie, Brancie, Joey, and the girls, and the Jones, Diane, Debbie & Vicky. We all played cowboys and indians. Behind us lived L.O. and Ann Goodman. I don't believe they had children, but they sure spent a lot of time with us.

There was a small little red house behind the Jones house, and a man name Shadrack lived in it. He lived quietly.

A little further down the street, Mary Joe Boyce, Larry & Terry Boyce, the Gurleys, the Patillos.
Mrs. Nelson, our teacher, and the Hardy girls, Frances, Melinda.

Mrs. Hollenseed had a little store a couple of blocks from us. We could walk to her store and buy "penny" candy. Maybe a Yoo Hoo, or a cold bottle of Coke.

The Kerseys, even my grandmother rented a small house on 18th for a few years. She attended the little church at the end of 18th close to the compress.

18th Street was a great neighborhood to grow up in...we could walk to Southside to school, we could ride our bikes down the sidewalk, and we had friends who could play out with us and catch fireflies, and our parents never worried about us being alone outside.

I was very sad to drive down 18th St after the was probably the hardest hit area. But my house was still standing. My dad had built the house, and apparently had done a great job. It has been torn down, and another house has been built on the site. I will still drive down 18th Street when I visit Caruthersville. It will always be my home. The memories are too strong to ever forget. A little white siding house, with the best neighbors anyone could have.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

I want to wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day. Especially the members of our class and other CHS classes who so valiantly served our country.

Most of the veterans of our class served during the Viet Nam war. Not a popular war, as none of them should be, but one that would affect all of us. I have memories of being at Semo and watching the tv as they drew birthdates out of a container for the lottery...our friends who would first be drafted to go into service. Some would be called, others would be deferred, and still a few waited out their number keeping a 1A status.

We knew so many who went to Viet Nam, we knew some who didn't return.

I don't believe that we as a country did enough for our Viet Nam veterans when they returned. I wish I had done more, now that I am older I would have been more appreciative. They were heroes...they were young men, as most heroes are, sent to a war that most never understood. It affected their lives forever. Most don't want to talk about their experiences, but indeed they should. Others need to understand what happened over there, what soldiers sacrificed to keep communism at bay.

Veterans of the Class of 1969...thank you for everything !!!!

Disclaimer...these are only my views...not meant to imply that everyone agrees with me...if you have your own thoughts, please add them to the comment section.

Monday, May 11, 2009


We would like to extend our sympathy to Elizabeth Bishop Attaway...her mother Claudine Bishop passed away this weekend. Many of you will remember Liz from grade school, she did visit with a few of our classmates during the Caruthersville 150th. She now lives in Tennessee.

The CHS groundbreaking ceremony was held inside the middle school gymnasium due to rain, it will take 18 months from the time they start to completion. All very exciting for the citizens of Caruthersville, and the new students who will benefit from the new facility.

Would anyone know of anyone who may have pictures, or date information about the "Hive". This was our dance club above a building on Ward Ave, by Chuck Hardesty's car lot. Don't remember the year it was open, and how long it stayed open. I remember the bands, the fact that our parents were the chaperones, and I can see the whole upstairs with pool tables, and places to sit and chat. If anyone remembers the information, or has pictures, please let me know so that I can add this to our reunion book.

The next reunion planning meeting will be June 6, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Roundhouse. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Once again, if you know one of our classmates who served in the military, please let me know. We will be honoring the veterans of our class at our reunion.

Have a good week!

Friday, May 1, 2009


I wanted to give additional information on the purchase of the ground breaking t can call Christina Weber at the Chamber office 573-333-1222, 200 West 3rd St, Caruthersville, MO 63830. She can help you. They are also available throught the school district.

I am not sure if they will mail them out or if someone would have to pick them up for you...but I am sure Christina can give you the information.

Matt Palmer

Wow...Caruthersville has a big league player...Matt Palmer...CHS '97 graduate. He is a pitcher for the Angels...he is scheduled to start tomorrow against the Yankees. He attended Three Rivers Community College, and Missouri State University (Springfield). So proud of him...hope everyone gets to watch him.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

CHS groundbreaking T-shirts

Thought some of you might be interested in one of the groundbreaking t shirts...I wasn't smart enough to be able to put the attachment on to show the logo...but they are really cool. If you have any questions, I am sure you could call the Chamber office and they would be able to help.

May 8th is the CHS Groundbreaking Ceremony at 2:00!! Don't miss this event as we build a new tradition here in Caruthersville. If you would like to order shirts for the event you may do so by May 4th at noon. Orders can be made after this time but will NOT be ready for the event. Attached you will see the logo that will be on the Tshirts. There will be a small Tiger and School logo on the front left pocket area and then a big logo on back. The shirts come in Grey or White and Youth and Adult sizes from small to x-large. For only $10.00. Additional X is $1.00. You may order them here at the Chamber but they must be paid at time order is placed. Checks need to be made out to "Tiger Pride".

Sunday, April 26, 2009


What a beautiful weekend...hope everyone enjoyed.

Good news, Wendell is going home on Monday. He has been in the hospital for a while and it is good that he will get to be home with his wife, Cindy.

We have also received a positive response from two teachers who will be coming to our reunion...Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Roberts. Hopefully we will have others attend also. They have to remember the great Class of 1969...

The reservation forms for the reunion will be in the mail soon. Please get them in early...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cathy McCoy's mother

Cathy McCoy's mother has passed away. She had been living with Cathy. Please keep her family in your prayers.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Places to stay

For some of you who will be coming in for the reunion from out of town, and need a place to stay, Caruthersville does have a hotel across from the casino called Country Hearth Inn. The casino also has a nice campground if any of you have campers.

Other hotels are also in Hayti and Blytheville right off of I-55. Dyersburg also has a few off of 155.

Sadly I would not recommend Economy Inn,(formerly Pic's Motel) and I say that with great sadness...since my dad built it in 1959 ( 50th Anniversary )and would be very upset to see it in it's present condition.

I am sure that we all would be glad to help you locate a nice room for the weekend.

Kathy Montgomery Davis

Just to let you know that Kathy's husband Butch, sent a thank you for the flowers that were sent from our class. The family was very appreciative.

40th Reunion

Dear Classmates...I would like to introduce you to your CHS Class of 1969 40th reunion planning committee...left to right...Pat Slentz, Don Smith, Terrie Pickens Welch, Pam Blurton Brantley, Dorothy Ghyers Mann, Charlie Jones, Mary Jane Alexander Wagner, and not pictured but also working hard Wannie Curtis Johnson, and Tana Lonon Rogers. I introduce you to these people to let you know that they have been working hard for over a year to pull together the best reunion you will ever attend. We met Saturday and finalized some of the activities and the times for the reunion...let us give you a sneak preview.
Our theme is "Celebrate Me Home", a song made popular by Kenny Loggins. And that is just what we want to do...
Friday night between 5 & 7, anyone who wishes , can meet at The Roundhouse for supper, this is an option and we are all responsible for our own meals. The food is good, and the company will be outstanding. Then at 7:00 we will gather at the American Legion Hall for some socializing, Don will provide some background music, and we just may have some Karaoke going on.
Saturday morning at 10, the ladies, will be treated to a social at the Presbyterian fellowship hall, punch and cookies will be served. At 11, the men are invited to a hot dog cook out at Pat Slentz's home, where he will be the chef.
On Saturday night, we will begin gathering at 5:30 at the Caruthersville Community Center, we will have our class photo taken by Rob Roy, Anita's husband at 6:00. The cost of the group photo will be $20, which includes postage to mail the photo to you. After the photo we will have a short ceremony, and at 7:00 we will be served a BBQ meal prepared by Paul Carmean. You will also be treated to special desserts prepared by Mary Wagner, one of our own classmates.
At 9:00 we will open the doors to classmates from other years, and Interstate 55 will begin playing. There will be a charge for others to come in, and the money will be used to help with the expense of the band. We don't know when the night will end...but you will not only get to see your friends from 1969, but friends from other years as well.
Sunday morning, we have been invited to attend church services at the Presbyterian Church for their 10:30 service. There will be a spot reserved for our class and there will be special music also performed by classmates of ours.
We think that your weekend will be full, and your activities have been carefully planned so that everyone will have a memorable time.
The cost per couple will be $60, and $35 for single. No alcohol will be available at any of the events, but you are welcome to bring your own, with the exception of the ladies social and the Sunday morning service...needless to say!!
As at previous reunions, you will be given a booklet which will have the names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails of everyone. If you have not updated your information since 2004, please do so by emailing it to . If you do not update, the information we have will be included in the booklet.
You will also go home with a very special remembrance, prepared especially for you as a member of the CHS Class of 1969.
There have been so many comments from people from other classes, that they never have reunions, no one wants to organize one, and they congratulate the Class of '69 for always making it possible for reunions to be held, and letting them attend. This is going to be one great reunion....please make your plans to be there.
Reservation forms will be mailed out in July, please get them back to us as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please let us know...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Planning meeting

Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter.

This is a reminder to anyone interested that we do have a planning committee meeting on Saturday April 18th at 10:00 am at the Roundhouse. All classmates from the Class of 69 are invited to attend. We will be finalizing the plans for the 40th class reunion. Please email if you will be attending.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Oh my goodness...I really had a great time on the internet last night...I had a really hard time shutting down my computer so that Jerry could sleep. Now you all get to read about my adventure on "WHBQ-TV 13".

Let's go back to the mid 60's...that is a long time, but you can do it. Do you remember what you did on Saturdays. Maybe some of you loaded in the car and "went to town". Popcorn from the Ben Franklins, maybe lunch at the Johnson Cafe. You probably had to go to Grabers, or J C Penneys for something. Mom probably had to get some hosiery from C C Thomas...but if you stayed at home, I bet you were doing the same thing I was. Watching TV.

In the morning I watched cartoons, loved Heckel and Jeckel, and The Three Stooges. But last night I was reminded of the "Million Dollar Movie" that was on Channel 13 at 12 noon. Always a new movie...and the tune "it's Million Dollar Movie time". Sing it with me!

Then "rasslin" came on. Lance Russell and Dave Brown...just a note, Lance Russell is alive and well and in his 80's. I also believe that Dave Brown is still on the news and weather in Memphis. But I loved wrestling, I would set and watch it with my dad. I hated it when someone would get a chair and hit Jackie Fargo over the head. Man...why would anyone want to hurt a man who could do the "Fargo strut". Some of my other favorites...Tojo Yamamoto, The Interns, Sam Bass, Lou Thez...Sputnik Monroe...and the King Jerry Lawler. Side note...Jackie Fargo is alive and in his 80's and still does a few public appearances. Sam Bass and some of his tag teams were killed in an auto wreck, and Tojo took his own life because he was not going to be able to wrestle anymore. The enjoyment that these men gave to us kids...hold on...the adults enjoyed it too, cannot be measured. I watched a couple of the old clips of Tojo pulling some dirty moves, and Lance Russell saying they had to get help out there before somebody got killed...yea right.

Ok... guess another name that escaped me all these years... "Happy Hal Miller" and Funhouse. All the puppets, and things for kids to do...but people "Happy Hal". I can sing just about every word of the theme song. Tell me you would have remembered that name. Kind of like Trent Wood and StoryLand...which I was on, thank you very much.

At 5:00, I believe...Talent Party would come on, with George Klein. Now we all thought GK was cool. He would pull out an LP and probably sell a couple of dozen of them for whatever singer was performing. How he matured and got rich, and had a really good buddy named Elvis Presley. I don't know what old George is doing...maybe someone from Memphis can fill that in.

But here's where it got really good. Picture this, a hazy, foggy, afternoon...suddenly a horse drawn hearse pulls around out of the fog...the really scary man dressed in black gets down and looking around, opens the door to the hearse and pulls out a coffin. Then he pulls the top off of the coffin and smokey... special effects came out. You are watching "Sivad" the Monster of Ceremonies for "Fantastic Features" . Oh my...I loved watching him every Saturday evening...he could barely talk with the plastic dime store fangs...and his jokes were really bad...but I could watch, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, and all the really scary movies. Sivad's name was Watson Davis, and he died a couple of years ago at the age of 92. I really don't know if he had something to do with WHBQ but he was a staple there for many years.

That was my Saturday... I also was reminded of Rin Tin Tin, the Rifleman, Sky King, (remember Penny?) Anyway...I have some great memories from WHBQ-TV 13...thanks!

Please add your Saturday memories...


Wendell has had a few setbacks, but he is getting better everyday. Keep the prayers coming...I am sure that he and Cindy appreciate all of them.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Great news from Wendell...Cindy called and said that the surgery went so well, and that they are so happy. He is off of the ventilator which is a bunch of pain, but she said that he can holler and cuss so he is doing good. He is resting and may be in the hospital 7 - 10 days. She said she will take him his laptop probably Thursday so he can chat with everyone. She thanked everyone for their prayers.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Wouldn't you love to have a booklet with the names of all of your old classmates, showing their addresses, phone numbers, email addresses...and other information that they would share...married, children, grandchildren...if you still have the form sent to you earlier, you can fill it out and mail it back.

We are asking for all classmates to please send us your current name, address, phone, email address to our email address We need to begin the organization and typing of this booklet.

This is not only good to keep up with friends, but it is necessary for you to be updated on things going on with our class.

Thank you for you help.

Wendell Stanfill

A reminder to everyone to say a prayer for Wendell...he will undergo surgery tomorrow 3/31/09 in Memphis. The blog will be updated as soon as we hear from him or his family.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rosemarie Petty Upchurch

Hey classmates...I was so excited yesterday to get an email from Rosemarie Petty Upchurch. She was using our address and sent me this gorgeous picture of her and her oldest granddaughter. She has worked with State Farm Insurance for 30 years, and lives in Germantown, TN. I think she enjoys the grandkids pretty much. Rosemarie is trying to get some pictures together for the video, and I certainly hope she plans on coming to the reunion.

I am not the best one for my memory, but the best I remember I had a PE class with Rosemarie, and she was always keeping us laughing. She still has that smile, and I can't wait to see her again. Thanks for catching up with the class Rosemarie!

I hope others will send an updated photo to us, you too can be the star of our blog...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pictures for video

Last call for pictures to be added to the reunion video. If you have any pictures of you and your friends growing up in C'ville, birthday parties, sporting events...just being with friends, let us know. They will need to be sent to Tana as soon as possible so that she can add them to the video. They can be scanned and sent on a disk, or 3 or 4 can be scanned and sent directly by email.

If you don't see yourself in the is probably because you didn't send any pictures. So get those pictures ready and send them to Tana. Contact us at and we will make sure they make it. We only have a week or so...

Wendell Stanfill

Our classmate Wendell Stanfill is going to be headed to the hospital on March 31st, 2009 for some surgery.

You may recall last year that Wendell had a very serious illness that required surgery...well they are going to go back and do some repairs and "updates" . He will be in the Methodist Hospital, downtown...address will be added later along with his room number.

Everyone please keep Wendell in your prayers...

Planning meeting

The next planning meeting for the 40th reunion is going to be April 18th, 2009 at 10:00 am at the Roundhouse. This has turned into a really great place to meet, we get to eat and talk and they like us.

Some of us are attending the Lorrie Morgan concert on Friday night the 17th. If you are interested in going please let us know and we will see about getting tickets together.

This will be a very important meeting. We will be finalizing the plans. If you are going to attend please let us know. Respond to

Thank you and we hope to see a lot of classmates on the 18th.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today was a great day spent with a couple of old CHS friends. As I headed back to Cape, I drove by where the old high school used to be, and the new one will be built. I was surprised and happy to see that two buildings that we knew will be kept. The music building, and the shop. I think that is pretty cool. There will be part of the old school left that will be familiar to past students, and the new students will get to know as we did. I spent a lot of time in the music building both in band, and in choir. I remember the old blonde wood piano...I hope it is still there. Mrs. Polly Masters was a really fun teacher. She was a small spunky little lady. She was tough, but fair...and I appreciate everything that she taught me. She retired and moved to Cape Girardeau, where I saw her several times. She always seemed to remember me, (I don't know if that is good or bad), and I always told her how much I loved her as my choir, glee club, and girls ensemble teacher. I always played " Battle Hymn of the Republic" on the piano when I would get in the classroom, and at the Senior Awards Ceremony, she presented me with two awards, one for vocal music award, and one was a piece of wood that she had sanded down and glued a picture a grand piano "piano" award. I still have that little piece of wood.

I would really like to thank all of the teachers who "gave" me something to remember, I wish I could personally thank each one of them. The list would be a long one. I give credit to my teachers each time I type, sew, cook, knit, spell, speak, sing, and drive, (thanks Coach). I know now just how much I learned... think how much more I would have learned if I had really paid attention! My bad!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tom Wat

Does anyone remember the "Tom Wat" kits. You may not believe this, but the company is still thriving and still doing fundraisers, over 50 years. If I recall correctly, we did them in FBLA. We each received a suitcase shaped cardboard box filled with "things". I remember the plastic tote bags adorned with large blue and yellow flowers...kind of a sixties thing. Who knew we sold people bags that they could reuse, and save the trees. There were plastic rain bonnets, collapsible cups, notepads, and some of the tackiest little items. But we sold them. We went door to door, opening the cardboard suitcase each time to let the customers view each and every item. This was to teach us about business. Talking with customers, handling orders, collecting money and finally delivering their orders.

The one thing that I remember is that at the end of the fundraiser, we ordered the extra items that we sold, but filled some of the orders with what was in our cardboard suitcases. I always wondered if the customers knew that their item had been carried around in a box for a month, handled by other people, and given to them as a new item. If they did, I am quite sure they didn't mind one bit. Our parents and our friends didn't buy the items because they needed, or wanted them. They bought them because it was us selling them. Or it was one of our friends selling something. I am sure that every parent, and now grandparent, has a "had to by it" closet or drawer. And we will just keep adding that magnet, decal, or if you are lucky, cookie dough to our collection. Wish I still had one of those bags...they would be back in style.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dwayne Potts

I am sad to say that in looking for past classmates, I found that Dwayne Potts passed away in 2004. Reading his obituary I found that Dwayne lived in Elkhart, IN. He was a National Guard Veteran, and worked as a welder for Dexter Axle in Elkhart. He attended Mottville Community Church. He had three sons, and three daughters, and eight grandchildren. He had been married again in 2003. He passed away August 26, 2004.

I know that some of you have some thoughts and memories of Dwayne. I sure do. I remember him as a really cool guy. A lot of the girls had a secret crush on him. I didn't know until our last planning meeting, that he played with Don, Steve, & Keith when they were the Hurricanes. Don said that he had a lot of talent.

I am sorry to say that I don't remember when he left Caruthersville. High school was a whole different world for a lot of us, but there are pictures of him in our yearbook. I hope he had a good life, and I hope that he had good memories of the time he lived in Caruthersville.

I invite you all to leave your thoughts about Dwayne.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Five months until the CHS Class of 1969 will celebrate their 40th Reunion...but the 40th year has already begun...what were we doing 40 years ago. Attending classes, singing in choir, playing in the band...finally getting your locker open. This past weekend I attended a classic car auction...can you believe that 40 years ago we drove classic cars...and didn't even know it! And if we had known...we would have held onto them and sold them for 10 times what we paid for them 40 years learlier.

Since we had our 35th reunion in 2004, I have come to the realization, that the people in our class are the very best friends a person could have. We spent 12 years with almost all of them. They know things about us that other friends will never know. They have laughed and cried with us. Now they are back...with Facebook, email, cell phones...there is no reason not to stay in contact with all of your old friends.

Since we graduated, we have lost 25 classmates. Don't let time pass by and not say what you have always thought about saying to that special friend from school.

You all should have received a letter about the upcoming reunion. Please answer with the personal information that is needed to make an address book for everyone to have. Please make your plans early to attend the reunion also...August 28th -30th.

Tentative plans:

August 28th - Informal gathering with classmates
August 29th - Social gathering for the ladies
August 29th - 40th Reunion - Caruthersville Community Center, catered BBQ, I-55 performing
August 30th - Special Church service for Class of '69...special music

Other special events will be added as we get closer to the date. If you have any ideas of something that would be fun, please let us know.

The planning is getting serious now...the next meeting is April 18th, at 10:00 at the Roundhouse. They actually took a picture of us last time to put on their Wall of Fame...we are so special!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Planning meeting

The planning committee met Saturday Feb.28th at the Roundhouse. Seven class members and one spouse attended. More photos were offered for the reunion video, and plans discussed for the weekend of August 28-30, 2009.

The group ordered a flower arrangement for Kathy Montgomery's and white carnations, from the Class of 1969.

Several members also went to see I-55 perform. It was a good weekend, even with the snow.

The committee is working together to make sure the reunion will be outstanding!!

Kathy's services

Kathy's visitation will be Monday March 2, at 11:00 at the H.S.Smith Funeral Home. Her funeral will be at 1:00 at the funeral home. Flowers were sent from the Class of 1969. Kathy passed away Friday from a heart attack.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Kathy Montgomery Davis

Unfortunately we have just learned that one of our classmates, Kathy Montgomery Davis, passed away today. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


If you are not a member of Facebook may want to sign up. Facebook is very addictive...but it is a really great way to stay in contact with friends both near and far. Everyday you are able to catch up with friends and family. Write a quick note...see a new picture. There is even a CHS Class of 69 40th Reunion group.

There are several class members who will be attending the planning meeting next Saturday, the 28th in Caruthersville, at the Roundhouse. Everyone is welcome, new ideas are always needed.

If anyone has any news about anything involving our class...or others...please email .

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Year of information

Hello Friends...I haven't posted on the blog since last year...mainly because not many people have been reading it. But with the new year and our reunion slated for is time to start in again.

Some sad news...Mr. Bill Cantrell, passed away this morning...some of you may have had his wife Faye Cantrell as a teacher. His daughters were also friends of many of you. Please keep his family in your prayers.

The weekend of Feb. 27th...I-55 will be playing in C'ville at the casino. Many of our class and others will be meeting there for a fun night with friends.

The next morning we will have a planning meeting at the Roundhouse...get some good breakfast this time probably around 10.

Letters will go out this week to announce the change in our reunion date...and hopefully we will get a good response.

Please check the blog for further information.