It was mentioned that some of you might want to know some of the classmates that are coming to the reunion. So I thought I would name a few.
Denny Meredith is coming all the way from the Hague, Netherlands. I am sure that will be the longest distance. Denny has led a very interesting and honorable life. 23 years in the service of our country, and still working for the government. He will have all kinds of places and things to tell us about.
Lynn Shainberg is coming from North Carolina, Lynn has been a Flight Attendant, Real Estate Executive, wife and mother to two wonderful children. She is so excited about seeing old friends.
Charles McCoy will be there. One of the locals who always show up for the reunions. He runs his own business in Caruthersville, and will show us all a few dance moves.
Cynthia Hinchey Crayne, will be at all of the events. She has helped in the planning, and looks forward to seeing friends from the past. She is working on Virginia Banks Jean, hopefully she will decide to come.
Mary Dexter Tipton Stutzman, and her husband Ron will be with us. I know that Mary is a personal trainer, and has also done other important jobs since high school. She is always upbeat and looks forward to the reunions.
Anita Dunagan Roy, she will be bringing our photographer with her. Rob, her husband will be taking our group picture. She is also bringing a dish for the Ladies Tea. Anita just retired from over 30 years of teaching.
Wannie Curtis Johnson will be the lady in charge of the decorating. She has always come to the reunions, and always helped in anyway she can. She is a nurse and works for the Jimmy Dean/Sara Lee people in Dyersburg...sorry WJ
Wendell Stanfill will be at the reunion with his wife Cindy. Wendell has had a rough year with his health, but nothing could keep him from showing up at this reunion. He has been on the planning committee, and is anxious to start beating on some drums. He works as a surveyor in West Memphis, AR.
George Goodrum is coming from Jasper, GA...I know he has a truss company there, but don't know much about it...we will have to ask him.
Mary Jane Alexander Wagner will be not only coming but bringing her homemade desserts...she does catering, and makes the most marvelous desserts. We are so lucky that she is doing this for our class.
Don Smith has always helped with our reunions. Just about anything you ask out! He and his wife Monica recently returned from a family trip to Italy... lot to talk about there.
Charlie Jones, the Caruthersville Fire Chief. Charlie is always leading the way for our class. He organized a fire truck float for the Homecoming parade, and it was a great success. He keeps us up on everything going on in Caruthersville.
Pam Blurton Brantley is another hard worker. Just tell her what you need done and she says ok! She works in grain...don't know her official title, but I can tell you that she is good at it. She is married to Terry Brantley, and has two beautiful daughters.
Dorothy Ghyers Mann another one of the planners. She helps keep us straight with what is going on with our buildings and important things like that. She works for the state, and is married to Jerry Mann.
Billie Sue Davis Mulcahy, is living in Dexter, and she will be here as she has been for the other reunions. She and her husband have a pharmacy in Dexter. Billie was always so friendly in high school, and hasn't changed a bit.
Willie Baird...what can I say...he is bringing his wife Kris this year, he is coming in from Rogers, AR where they moved a couple of years ago to be close to some grandbabies. Willie always brings some fun to the ready to talk about golf or crude jokes!!
Tana Lonon-Rogers will be flying in from Florida...she has worked so hard on a surprise for everyone. It will be so good to see her, and thank her for all she has done.
Bubby Henson is coming...this will be Bubby's first reunion...I think he is excited and looking forward to seeing so many classmates.
Nathan McClendon, and his wife everyone in Caruthersville suffered through the tornado...but Nathan was up the next morning getting his lumber and ordering his windows...he is a quick one. Nathan works at the shipyard, but takes time out to help at the planning meetings.
Pat Slentz has jumped in too...he will be hosting the men's hot dog cookout on Saturday afternoon. Pat will always add to the good times!!
I plan on being there also, bringing my sweet husband who puts up with me for a few years before the reunion. And I can't wait.
Several others that I know plan on coming, are Steve & Kaye McKaskle, Jerry Woods, Debbie Broderick always makes it, as does Kay Kasper King. I know the reservation forms will start pouring in this week.
I also know that we have reservations for Mr & Mrs Darrell Roberts, and Mr & Mrs Sam Bishop. We may have a few family members of some of our deceased classmates also.
Also attending from other classes, Jerry Stanfill, Jon Hornyak, Susan Chaffin, Denise Meredith, Mike Hazel, Denny Baird, Wayne Smith, Paul Carmean...who knows who else...when the doors open to other classes at will be your wildest guess who might walk through those doors!!!
I hope you will make your decision this week, and get you info sheet and money back to us. It is going to be a great one!!!