Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today was a great day spent with a couple of old CHS friends. As I headed back to Cape, I drove by where the old high school used to be, and the new one will be built. I was surprised and happy to see that two buildings that we knew will be kept. The music building, and the shop. I think that is pretty cool. There will be part of the old school left that will be familiar to past students, and the new students will get to know as we did. I spent a lot of time in the music building both in band, and in choir. I remember the old blonde wood piano...I hope it is still there. Mrs. Polly Masters was a really fun teacher. She was a small spunky little lady. She was tough, but fair...and I appreciate everything that she taught me. She retired and moved to Cape Girardeau, where I saw her several times. She always seemed to remember me, (I don't know if that is good or bad), and I always told her how much I loved her as my choir, glee club, and girls ensemble teacher. I always played " Battle Hymn of the Republic" on the piano when I would get in the classroom, and at the Senior Awards Ceremony, she presented me with two awards, one for vocal music award, and one was a piece of wood that she had sanded down and glued a picture a grand piano "piano" award. I still have that little piece of wood.

I would really like to thank all of the teachers who "gave" me something to remember, I wish I could personally thank each one of them. The list would be a long one. I give credit to my teachers each time I type, sew, cook, knit, spell, speak, sing, and drive, (thanks Coach). I know now just how much I learned... think how much more I would have learned if I had really paid attention! My bad!!


Anonymous said...

What happened to all the senior pictures that were on the walls of the downstair hallways? Do you have any idea?

40th Reunion planning committee said...

Hey Sherry...I will ask someone for sure, but I am pretty sure that they got all of them out and they are being stored. I don't know the last time you were in the school, but we took a tour 5 years ago at our 35th reunion. All of the pictures had been removed from the walls and placed in a large book type holder. So you could just flip it from class to class. I certainly hope they find a place for it in the new school. Thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

I graduated in 1969, Sharon Alexander is my maiden name. I often wondered what became of those pictures. The last time I walked through the halls of the high school was when my nephew graduated about 10 or more years ago. I do not recall if the pics were there then or not.

40th Reunion planning committee said...

Hey Sharon...I remember you quite well, this is Terrie Pickens. I hope you are planning on coming to the reunion. It will be fun to see everyone. Please try to come.