Monday, March 9, 2009


Five months until the CHS Class of 1969 will celebrate their 40th Reunion...but the 40th year has already begun...what were we doing 40 years ago. Attending classes, singing in choir, playing in the band...finally getting your locker open. This past weekend I attended a classic car auction...can you believe that 40 years ago we drove classic cars...and didn't even know it! And if we had known...we would have held onto them and sold them for 10 times what we paid for them 40 years learlier.

Since we had our 35th reunion in 2004, I have come to the realization, that the people in our class are the very best friends a person could have. We spent 12 years with almost all of them. They know things about us that other friends will never know. They have laughed and cried with us. Now they are back...with Facebook, email, cell phones...there is no reason not to stay in contact with all of your old friends.

Since we graduated, we have lost 25 classmates. Don't let time pass by and not say what you have always thought about saying to that special friend from school.

You all should have received a letter about the upcoming reunion. Please answer with the personal information that is needed to make an address book for everyone to have. Please make your plans early to attend the reunion also...August 28th -30th.

Tentative plans:

August 28th - Informal gathering with classmates
August 29th - Social gathering for the ladies
August 29th - 40th Reunion - Caruthersville Community Center, catered BBQ, I-55 performing
August 30th - Special Church service for Class of '69...special music

Other special events will be added as we get closer to the date. If you have any ideas of something that would be fun, please let us know.

The planning is getting serious now...the next meeting is April 18th, at 10:00 at the Roundhouse. They actually took a picture of us last time to put on their Wall of Fame...we are so special!!!

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